
Join the Saco and South Sanford @aromajoescoffee for May #MentalHealthAwareness Month! Every Tuesday throughout May, these two locations will be ...donating $1 from every Blue Pixie AJ’s Rush Energy Drink to Sweetser to support youth #mentalhealth programs.

People join the behavioral health field because they care. They want to help people. They want to make a difference. They might not want the ...administrative headaches of billing and processing claims, and other aspects of running a private practice. Sweetser can help them with this to ensure the daily focus is helping people. Learn more about the benefits of becoming an independent affiliate with the link in our bio.

A big thank you to the Saco @shawssupermarket for their $2,500 donation in celebration of their grand re-opening! Both Sweetser and Shaw’s have a ...long history of serving our communities throughout Maine and we are thankful for their continued support of mental health. Pictured here: Shaw’s Representative Ed Buckley, Sweetser’s President & CEO Jayne Van Bramer, & Sweetser’s Senior Director of PR & Advancement Justin Chenette.

Thank you to for selecting Sweetser as this month’s Give For Change nonprofit recipient! Individuals can donate their unredeemed, ...unexpired slot tickets or redemption vouchers during May Mental Health Awareness Month to help those in need of treatment.

Behavioral health providers hope to inspire more people into the field to meet the growing demand for services. We spoke to @connorclementtv @wmtwtv ...about the workforce challenges we face and the opportunities to make a real difference in people's lives.

Sweetser team members spoke to News Center Maine about the collective trauma that Mainers can still be experiencing 6 months after the tragedy in ...Lewiston and various strategies and resources available along the path towards healing together. Story in bio.

Sweetser staff attended @nationalcouncil's #NatCon 2024 in St. Louis. The annual event is the largest mental health and substance use treatment ...conference in the world, and a wonderful opportunity for attendees to learn and to network with the ultimate goal of increasing one's impact in the field, at one's organization and in one's community. Staff who attended include: Jayne Van Bramer, Joanne Grant, Wendy Anders, Joey Rossignol, Hannah Williams, Alaina Knox, Steve Nesky, & Mason Cashman. In addition to the many educational sessions, highlights of the event included keynote speaker Former First Lady Michelle Obama.

Greely High School's chapter of KyleCares / Active Minds Club is helping to get young people involved in mental health and help reduce the ...stigma to seeking support. Sweetser distributed hundreds of mental health resource bags to participants in their upcoming 5K race to benefit mental health awareness.