Sweetser Director of Children’s Residential Kristine Gile was named one of five finalists, along with her co-presenter, Dr. Elly Romero, for the Bellflasher Award at the ADARA (American Deafness and Rehabilitation Association) Conference recently held in Atlanta.
The award is for the most outstanding and thought provoking presentation. Their topic was “Considerations When Implementing Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children.”
Gile also co-presented with Sitara Sheikh, Terry Morrell and Tristen Evan Hellewell on a second presentation, “It couldn’t happen here: lessons learned from/in the aftermath of the mass shooting in Maine.” There were more than 400 attendees at the conference.

Left to right: Melissa Brymer Director, Terrorism & Disaster Program, University of California, Los Angeles; Tiffany Bridgett, Psychology Associate, Deaf and Hard of Hearing Child Resilience Center, Gallaudet University; Kristine Gile; and Allegra Hirsh-Wright. Maine Health Center for Trauma, Resilience, and Innovation.
On May 16th, Gile presented with a group (pictured above) at the National Child Trauma Stress Network’s All Network Conference in Bethesda, MD. Their presentation was “Increasing Access for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Community following Mass Violence and Disasters.”